I ran this race with my mom the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and I promised in my last post to give a reort of how it went for me so...here goes:
My knee was kinda sore in the warmup, but I figured that it was just tight from a combination of biking the day before and the cold, so I warmed up and started the race like normal. After about a mile anda half I knew it wasn't soreness. I became harder and harder to maintain good running form and I started to limp. I thought I just needed to push harder to get through it but the more I pushed the closer my knee came to giving out completely. When I finally stumbled across the finish line I found that it hurt just as much to walk as it had to run. I couldn't bend my leg without severe pain shooting down my leg. I tried to make my way over to where I saw my mom starting her next loop but my sister caught up to me and forced me to wait for mom in her van.
After mom finished, we waited around for the small awards ceremony where I received two medals. One for finishing third overall, and another for finishing second in my age division. My time was 20:38. It was just a small, local race and there weren't many runners there, but I was still happy to do that well, especially considering the injury. Although I haven't been to a doctor, we are pretty sure that I pulled my I.T. (Iliotibial) band and will just have to take it easy for a while. Hopefully it will be better by new years eve! If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with something like this le me know. Thanks!
Those medals are awesome. Way to go. For dealing with an IT band that is a heck of race. Way to go.